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Institucional, Noticias, Reunión de Trabajo
El pasado jueves 21 de abril en las instalaciones del Fortín de San Miguel, la Directora y el equipo técnico de Probides realizaron una presentación sobre el Parque Nacional San Miguel.
En dicha ocasión se hicieron presentes referentes del Servicio de Parques del Ejército, del Departamento de Estudios Históricos, empresarios, secretario y asistente técnica del CCRC.  

La convocatoria tenía el cometido de acercar a la Directiva y operadores turísticos del CCRC a la gestión del Parque, conocer su sistema de gobernanza y sus características. Durante la jornada se mencionó la reciente presentación del Plan de Manejo del Parque disponible en Plan de Manejo Parque Nacional San Miguel | Ministerio de Ambiente ( 

En el mencionado Plan se encuentra la reglamentación para el área, su ubicación y sus límites, su sistema de gobernanza, las condiciones de uso, las estrategias y las acciones para la consecución de los objetivos propuestos, y los hallazgos realizados por los investigadores (especies de flora y fauna, caracterización física, contexto paisajístico ecológico, caracterización histórico-cultural y socio-económica). 

Los técnicos del programa Probides -integrado por el Ministerio de Ambiente, la Universidad de la República y las Intendencias Departamentales de Cerro Largo, Lavalleja, Maldonado, Rocha y Treinta y Tres, bajo la administración de la Corporación Nacional para el Desarrollo- comunican que el Parque cuenta con un servicio de guardaparques y es posible coordinar -al menos con 24 horas de anticipación- el acompañamiento del mismo en caso de estudiantes, ONGs o grupos con intereses en la temática. Presentaron además la reedición del curso de Guía de Naturaleza que será realizado en  formato híbrido (teórico virtual y  práctico presencial) con una duración de 3 meses comenzando el segundo semestre del año. En este curso se otorgarán 5 cupos para participantes de Chuy y alrededores. 

Entre las necesidades identificadas por los empresarios para el Parque se encuentran la necesidad de cartelería específica e indicativa, folletería, afiches o material web promocional, senderos alternativos al sendero de “La Sierra”, y la recuperación de relatos o historias de la zona para turistas (por ejemplo la Cueva  del Tigre o la Guardia perdida). La Directiva del CCRC se compromete a colaborar en las gestiones con la IDR para el mantenimiento del camino hacia el Cerro Picudo.


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With over 500 slot machines, they have got more slots than any online games they have ever reviewed. Their mobile gaming was recognised for its excellence, winning Best Native App and Mobile Product at the 2017 EGR Operator Awards. We’re committed to consistent innovation, so their quality mobile offerings will only become better in time. LeoVegas puts superior gaming entertainment at your fingertips.

This can not only be used on live dealer games, but also on slot machines. Especially bonuses for live casino are particularly valuable. Many of these have wagering requirements of only 30 times the received bonus amount. This is substantially lower than the vast majority of casino sites. As you can see, LeoVegas offers a decent number of payment methods for Indian players. That said, with the processing time of up to five days, this online casino ends up on the far end of the scale in regards to fast withdrawals.

Loyalty Program & Promotions

Please bear in mind that bonuses come with a set of rules known as terms and conditions. They include wagering requirements, expiration period, wagering contribution, and more. To get the most out of your bonus, go through the rules and learn more about them. This makes it possible to set various limits and activate a reality check under your account settings – tools that will help you to control your gambling. If you haven’t already gone through verification when depositing, it’s important to note that you may have to go through it on your first withdrawal.

The platform has an app for iOS and Android mobile devices where you can play casino games and enjoy sports betting for real money. Until LeoVegas is listed on Google Play, you’ll have to download the APK file to enjoy LeoVegas sports mobile betting and the online casino section. You’ll find the file on LeoVegas’ site, so make sure to follow the instructions to install it on your Android phone or tablet. There are more than 200 different game providers, some more popular than others. In the gambling industry are offered, including a live casino from Ezugi, Betgames, Pragmatic Play, Playtech and Evolution Gaming. This means that a wide variety of over 30 different games can be played against real dealers over a video stream.

Withdrawal Times Are Absolutely Great

Before going ahead with your purchase, check the best deals on online shopping today for guaranteed savings. Their mobile customers enjoy a wide range of gaming options in the best games, including slots and leading table games, such as blackjack, roulette and baccarat. The gaming app is available from any Android or iOS smartphone or tablet. Each week, the platform offers five boosts to the players making accumulator bets of more than INR3,000.

When you make a withdrawal on your LeoVegas account, it takes between 1 to 5 days for the repository to display on your account. This term is introduced by the event times of the payment providers, not the casino. At the gaming website, they have everything they need to keep your money safe, every time. Deposit with VISA Card, for example, they have had excellent skills in using a VISA card on the best online casino in India. Alternatively, you can manage your VISA card to deposit money into a 3rd party e-wallet and then place it to the betting section from there. They allow one of the most numerous games and gambling skills on the Indian market, and indeed the world.

Leovegas Login

In case you have missed a good deal you can still browse the best of the month, and best of the week section. These sections would help you grab the discounts that you have missed out in the past. If you want to get today’s best online shopping deals, check the hot deals section of FreeKaaMaal. So, you can always find top online offers to delight your mood.

It means you do keep playing, cash them out, or do whatever you want with the money. Since LeoVegas has an extensive help page and FAQ section, you’ll first have an option to find the answer to your question on the platform. If you fail to get an answer, you can contact customer support and chat with one of the available agents. Customer support is also available via email and operates 24/7, round the year. You’ll have to accept that you agree with the T&Cs and the platform’s privacy policy to become a member.

How To Play Leovegas?

Once the game loads up, click on the “Opt-In” button appearing at the bottom of the game screen. Then read out the Jackpot terms and conditions and then click on the “Join Now” button. Now set your bets on INR10 or more for each spin, and then wait for the game to trigger the LeoJackpot.

Important: Player Migration To Jackpot Guru

This is not the only benefit performers are having, but it is genuinely a fabulous game to play Baccarat, Roulette, 3 Card Poker, and more games. LeoVegas is very much safe for you to play as they offer exciting prizes and many amazing games to play online. They also have a welcome offer in which you can win up to Rs. 80,000 on your registration. It is one of the best feature of online gaming websites in many countries around the world.

Sportsbook Welcome Bonus

This offer allows Indian punters to test their betting skills on the Leo King prediction game. The aim here is to predict as many games as you possibly can. Each of the correct predictions will earn you a single point on the leaders’ board.

How To Withdraw At Leovegas

In other words, you don’t have to install the app to enjoy mobile gambling. The sports betting welcome bonus is also subject to terms and conditions, so we recommend reading them to get the best possible experience. As a matter of fact, it’s safe to say that LeoVegas is currently one of the best online casinos in the world. LeoVegas is an online gambling platform that offers its services to many countries around the globe, including India.

You can learn more about this in our thorough guide about wagering requirements. At LeoVegas India, you will find a beautiful collection of live casinos and other games that have been picked just for you. Presenting only the best potential gaming adventure for the players, you will unquestionably find something that you like! If live games are something that you prefer, you will be pleased to hear that there is a broad category of games ready to play now.

How To Grab Online Free Stuff India?

But on the other hand, their Live Chat feature is available to all Indian players, and their support agents are experienced. Not only can you place bets in real-time, but plenty of their live betting matches are also streamed live on-site. This means that your live betting experience is readily available all in one place.

Best Offer Of The Day On Fashion, Mobiles And More

LeoVegas casino has players worldwide, which comes to no surprise considering they’re one of those rare online casinos that offer a high-quality gambling product. FreeKaaMaal app is your access to deals, promo codes, and freebies right on your mobile phone. Our Android App is there to offer you a smooth on the go shopping experience full of savings. The app is designed to make the customer’s shopping experience easier. Keep yourself notified with the best deals on online shopping by downloading our app. This app is available for download from Google play store, free of cost.

They offer up to Rs. 20,000 extra, which is surpassing to play with! You have the full power of the amount of the mobile gaming bonus you will experience, so it is all up to you. Become a Leo Lion by joining the LeoVegas VIP club and receive tons of additional prizes and surprises on top of the above-mentioned bonuses. Sign up on LeoVegas Casino and agree to receive notifications from the platform. Bet as much as you responsibly can to climb up on the VIP leaderboard.

Top Offers At Leo Vegas To Play And Win

The app has many special features like the one with which you can see the number of people currently watching a bargain. Welcome to the world of unbeatable deals, get up to 90% off on fashion, food, electronics, appliances, groceries, kids products and more. FreeKaaMaal is completely free online community where you can discover the latest deals, coupons, offers, and freebies. The website helps you make the best online shopping decisions. Check the top online shopping offers every day to pocket great savings on all your purchases. So, start playing the best games online and win exciting prizes.

How To Claim The Promotion?

LeoVegas has one of the best casino supports in the world, if not the very best. Don’t hesitate on using it as the agents are happy to help you with just about anything. This includes having leovegas betting a withdrawal request instantly handled should you like that. The value and frequency of these will vary depending on how much you play, but you can definitely expect them to be satisfying.

So before you begin with your online shopping just go through the category of your choice and get the best price for your product. Whatever you want to purchase, grab the lowest prices ever with offers of the day. We all love to shop during the festivals and the online stores come up with special discounts during this time to help you get the better prices. Whether it is Diwali, Holi, Rakhi, Dussehra, Republic day, independence day or New year with you will stay notified on all great bargains. You just visit the festive page and you can save while shopping for festivals.


Catch the latest deals in real-time which you can redeem right away. Choose from the limited time promotions, end of season sales, online shopping sales and other major price cuts. The deals are labeled with images, pricing, and discounts to let you know about the products and how much you’re saving. We hunt the latest deals of online shopping in India to bring on our site in real time. The moment you visit, a bundle of fresh deals are available at your service. These are the best online deals available in India handpicked by the team, these come with a specific time period.

Don’t Fall For Loopholes – Get Your Leovegas Free Bonus The Right Way With Us!

With over 500 slot machines, they have got more slots than any online games they have ever reviewed. Their mobile gaming was recognised for its excellence, winning Best Native App and Mobile Product at the 2017 EGR Operator Awards. We’re committed to consistent innovation, so their quality mobile offerings will only become better in time. LeoVegas puts superior gaming entertainment at your fingertips.

This can not only be used on live dealer games, but also on slot machines. Especially bonuses for live casino are particularly valuable. Many of these have wagering requirements of only 30 times the received bonus amount. This is substantially lower than the vast majority of casino sites. As you can see, LeoVegas offers a decent number of payment methods for Indian players. That said, with the processing time of up to five days, this online casino ends up on the far end of the scale in regards to fast withdrawals.

Loyalty Program & Promotions

Please bear in mind that bonuses come with a set of rules known as terms and conditions. They include wagering requirements, expiration period, wagering contribution, and more. To get the most out of your bonus, go through the rules and learn more about them. This makes it possible to set various limits and activate a reality check under your account settings – tools that will help you to control your gambling. If you haven’t already gone through verification when depositing, it’s important to note that you may have to go through it on your first withdrawal.

The platform has an app for iOS and Android mobile devices where you can play casino games and enjoy sports betting for real money. Until LeoVegas is listed on Google Play, you’ll have to download the APK file to enjoy LeoVegas sports mobile betting and the online casino section. You’ll find the file on LeoVegas’ site, so make sure to follow the instructions to install it on your Android phone or tablet. There are more than 200 different game providers, some more popular than others. In the gambling industry are offered, including a live casino from Ezugi, Betgames, Pragmatic Play, Playtech and Evolution Gaming. This means that a wide variety of over 30 different games can be played against real dealers over a video stream.

Withdrawal Times Are Absolutely Great

Before going ahead with your purchase, check the best deals on online shopping today for guaranteed savings. Their mobile customers enjoy a wide range of gaming options in the best games, including slots and leading table games, such as blackjack, roulette and baccarat. The gaming app is available from any Android or iOS smartphone or tablet. Each week, the platform offers five boosts to the players making accumulator bets of more than INR3,000.

When you make a withdrawal on your LeoVegas account, it takes between 1 to 5 days for the repository to display on your account. This term is introduced by the event times of the payment providers, not the casino. At the gaming website, they have everything they need to keep your money safe, every time. Deposit with VISA Card, for example, they have had excellent skills in using a VISA card on the best online casino in India. Alternatively, you can manage your VISA card to deposit money into a 3rd party e-wallet and then place it to the betting section from there. They allow one of the most numerous games and gambling skills on the Indian market, and indeed the world.

Leovegas Login

In case you have missed a good deal you can still browse the best of the month, and best of the week section. These sections would help you grab the discounts that you have missed out in the past. If you want to get today’s best online shopping deals, check the hot deals section of FreeKaaMaal. So, you can always find top online offers to delight your mood.

It means you do keep playing, cash them out, or do whatever you want with the money. Since LeoVegas has an extensive help page and FAQ section, you’ll first have an option to find the answer to your question on the platform. If you fail to get an answer, you can contact customer support and chat with one of the available agents. Customer support is also available via email and operates 24/7, round the year. You’ll have to accept that you agree with the T&Cs and the platform’s privacy policy to become a member.

How To Play Leovegas?

Once the game loads up, click on the “Opt-In” button appearing at the bottom of the game screen. Then read out the Jackpot terms and conditions and then click on the “Join Now” button. Now set your bets on INR10 or more for each spin, and then wait for the game to trigger the LeoJackpot.

Important: Player Migration To Jackpot Guru

This is not the only benefit performers are having, but it is genuinely a fabulous game to play Baccarat, Roulette, 3 Card Poker, and more games. LeoVegas is very much safe for you to play as they offer exciting prizes and many amazing games to play online. They also have a welcome offer in which you can win up to Rs. 80,000 on your registration. It is one of the best feature of online gaming websites in many countries around the world.

Sportsbook Welcome Bonus

This offer allows Indian punters to test their betting skills on the Leo King prediction game. The aim here is to predict as many games as you possibly can. Each of the correct predictions will earn you a single point on the leaders’ board.

How To Withdraw At Leovegas

In other words, you don’t have to install the app to enjoy mobile gambling. The sports betting welcome bonus is also subject to terms and conditions, so we recommend reading them to get the best possible experience. As a matter of fact, it’s safe to say that LeoVegas is currently one of the best online casinos in the world. LeoVegas is an online gambling platform that offers its services to many countries around the globe, including India.

You can learn more about this in our thorough guide about wagering requirements. At LeoVegas India, you will find a beautiful collection of live casinos and other games that have been picked just for you. Presenting only the best potential gaming adventure for the players, you will unquestionably find something that you like! If live games are something that you prefer, you will be pleased to hear that there is a broad category of games ready to play now.

How To Grab Online Free Stuff India?

But on the other hand, their Live Chat feature is available to all Indian players, and their support agents are experienced. Not only can you place bets in real-time, but plenty of their live betting matches are also streamed live on-site. This means that your live betting experience is readily available all in one place.

Best Offer Of The Day On Fashion, Mobiles And More

LeoVegas casino has players worldwide, which comes to no surprise considering they’re one of those rare online casinos that offer a high-quality gambling product. FreeKaaMaal app is your access to deals, promo codes, and freebies right on your mobile phone. Our Android App is there to offer you a smooth on the go shopping experience full of savings. The app is designed to make the customer’s shopping experience easier. Keep yourself notified with the best deals on online shopping by downloading our app. This app is available for download from Google play store, free of cost.

They offer up to Rs. 20,000 extra, which is surpassing to play with! You have the full power of the amount of the mobile gaming bonus you will experience, so it is all up to you. Become a Leo Lion by joining the LeoVegas VIP club and receive tons of additional prizes and surprises on top of the above-mentioned bonuses. Sign up on LeoVegas Casino and agree to receive notifications from the platform. Bet as much as you responsibly can to climb up on the VIP leaderboard.

Top Offers At Leo Vegas To Play And Win

The app has many special features like the one with which you can see the number of people currently watching a bargain. Welcome to the world of unbeatable deals, get up to 90% off on fashion, food, electronics, appliances, groceries, kids products and more. FreeKaaMaal is completely free online community where you can discover the latest deals, coupons, offers, and freebies. The website helps you make the best online shopping decisions. Check the top online shopping offers every day to pocket great savings on all your purchases. So, start playing the best games online and win exciting prizes.

How To Claim The Promotion?

LeoVegas has one of the best casino supports in the world, if not the very best. Don’t hesitate on using it as the agents are happy to help you with just about anything. This includes having leovegas betting a withdrawal request instantly handled should you like that. The value and frequency of these will vary depending on how much you play, but you can definitely expect them to be satisfying.

So before you begin with your online shopping just go through the category of your choice and get the best price for your product. Whatever you want to purchase, grab the lowest prices ever with offers of the day. We all love to shop during the festivals and the online stores come up with special discounts during this time to help you get the better prices. Whether it is Diwali, Holi, Rakhi, Dussehra, Republic day, independence day or New year with you will stay notified on all great bargains. You just visit the festive page and you can save while shopping for festivals.


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